
Appunti, Tesina di, appunto inglese


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Chapter 1

Mr Allworthy, a gentleman and intelligent man, lived in Somerset with his sister, Bridget. He was widower. One night he found a baby in his bed. He called his servant, Mrs Deborah Wilkins, to take care of the child for that evening. The next morning, Mrs Bridget swathe child, and she agreed when her brother said that he had decided to adopt him. Mr Wilkins tried to find who the mother of the child was. She suspected about Jenny Jones, a girl of the village. She had lived with the schoolmaster, Mr Partridge, and his wife. But Mrs Partridge was jealous of the friendship between her husband and Jenny Jones, and she made her leave the house. Jenny Jones had been also to Mr Allworthy's house, to look Bridget when she was ill. So, Mr Allworthy called Jenny Jones, and she admitted that she was the mother of the child, but she refused to say who the father was. So, she left the village. Meanwhile, a friend of Mr Allworthy, Captain Blifil, had married Bridget Allworthy, and they had had a child, Master Blifil. Mrs Wilkins had discovered that Mr and Mrs Partridge had argued, because Mrs Partridge suspected her husband to being unfaithful. At last, he admitted his guilt. So, Mr Allworthy called the couple in front of him, but Mr Partridge said that he had admitted only for make peace with his wife. So, Mr Allworthy said that he didn't want to pay him. Mrs Partridge died, and Mr Partridge left the area. Meanwhile, Captain Blifil wanted to spend all of his wife's money, but he died during an attack.

Chapter 2

Tom Jones and Master Blifil grew up together. They had two tutors: Mr Square and Mr Thwackum. When Tom was 14, one day, he went shooting with the gamekeeper, George Seagrim, on Squire Western's Land. But the man heard their gun go off; the gamekeeper escaped and the man caught Tom; he protected his friend. But one day, during an argument, Tom hit Master Blifil. He attacked Tom saying that on Squire Western's Land he was with the gamekeeper, who was dismissed. Squire Western had a daughter, Sophia. Tom had gave her a bird in a cage, that it died because Master Blifil took it out. But Tom loved an other girl, Molly, a daughter of Mr Seagrim. She expecting a baby, and for that Sophia wanted the girl to work as her maid. But rather than Molly went Mrs Seagrim. One evening, during the dinner, the local parson, Mr Supple, said that Molly Seagrim expecting a baby, and Mr Allworthy is going to send her to prison because she refused to say who the father was. So, Tom Jones rushed from the house and he convinced Mr Allworthy to don't send Molly to prison: he's the father of the child. Mr Allworthy was very angry whit Tom, but he was also pleased that Tom was an Honest man. But the two tutors said that Tom protected the father to seduce the daughter. One day, Sophia and Mr Western going to hunting, but she lost control of the horse. Tom saw what was happening and he helped Sophia, but ha had broken an arm. During a discussion between Sophia and her maid, she mentioned Molly Seagrim, and Sophia replied angrily. The maid said also that, one day, Tom has said the man who marries Sophia will be lucky. Sophia blushed.

Chapter 3

Tom had many visitors while he was in bed at Mr Western's house. The man was grateful to Tom for saving his daughter. But he wanted that she married a rich man. So, Tom thought about Molly. He had promised to be faithful to her, but he thought to give her some money instead of marrying her. So, one day, he went to Molly's house. She was in bed, and Tom said her his solution. But a little accident interrupted them: Tom saw Mr Square hiding there. Molly had an other lover. He understood that he had no responsibility and left the house. So he returned to Sophia. But Mr Allworthy fill ill, and he sent for all his friends. Ha said what they had inherited after his death. But in that moment, a lawyer had arrived from London with an important message: Mrs Bridget Allworthy was died. Mr Allworthy was now out of danger, but the news became sad him. Tom was delighted that Me Allworthy was recovering. He drank far too much, one day. Then he saw Molly, but while they talked, Blifil e Thwackum provoked Tom. So, the three men began struggling. Mr Western had been out with the parson, Sophia and his aunt. He saw the men and he helped Tom. When the brawl ended, Sophia suddenly fell to the ground. Tom rushed over to her, he washed her face with the water of the river, and after a few moments she regained consciousness. So Mr Western thanked Tom for saving his daughter's life.


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