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The novel is a fictional prose narrative of some lenght in wich there is a plot of some complexity.
Romance is a different literary genre because is more idealized and frequently in poetry; altough novel is more near to the reality and usually in prose.
Novel can also be "historical" when it is about historical events (see Scott).
The novel has existed still the past, from Egyptians to Omero, from Erodoto to Virgilio and Boccaccio.
Also the Bible may be see as a novel.
After the Latin period novel is stopped until the XI-XII century, when borned Romance.(the typical literary genre of the Middle Age).
During the 18 century ,the period called "time of Reason and Reality" , the romance become negative because it was too much distant to the reality
So the modern novel borned with Defoe.
DEFOE He want to give a model to people of Middle Class) |
"ROBINSON CRUSOE" (1719) modern hero/ selfmade man prototype of European man "JOURNAL OF A PLAGUE YEAR" realistic journal about an historical event "MOLL modern heroine/prototype of woman in career |
(He is a learned man who writes satire in form of the modern novel) |
"GULLIVER'S TRAVELS" (1723) long satire about English society/ divided into 4 books "MODEST PROPOSAL" in form of essay/ about the Irish situation |
(He is very interested in the psychological analysis of characters/he shared the ideals of Middle Class) |
"PAMELA" in form of letter/ virtue based on the model of neopuritanism of the 18 century "CLARISSA" |
(He contrasted the conventional morality of
"SHAMELA" ironic version of Pamela "JONATHAN THE GREAT" parody of the masculin character
of "Pamela" by "TOM JONES" |
He is the father of a new narrative technique:the stream of consciousness or interior monologue) |
"TRISTAM SHANDY" sentimental story |
(He has a romantique vision of the past/ passion+sentiment) |
" the first gothic novel taled of horror and spine-chilling mistery/atmosphere of gloom and doom |
(she writes in a social contest / the main focus of interest of her novels is the affairs of heart) |
"PRIDE AND PREJUDICE" good sentiments/ love without any phisical contact "NORTHANGER ABBEY" showing how the tales of gothic novels contrasted with the reality of normal everyday life |
THE BRONTE SISTERS Charlotte,Emily and Annie) |
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