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DISCORSO INDIRETTO Il passaggio dal discorso diretto a quello indiretto comporta di solito delle modifiche nel tempo dei verbi, nei pronomi e negli avverbi di tempo sia in italiano che in inglese. Discorso diretto                         [...]

Modern novel

The new of the modern novel is the realism. The story is set in the present and the behaviour of the characters is very close to the reader. Time ,place, physical descriptions of people are clearly indicated.  Modern travel fiction, is a novel t [...]

Samuel Coleridge: the man and the poet - The Killing of the Albatross

Samuel Coleridge: the man and the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge was born in Devon in 1772. His father, a clergyman, moved his family to London when Coleridge was young, and it was there that Coleridge attended school. He later attended Cambridge [...]

Regola del THE

Regola del THE Di norma si usa the per indicare sostantivi singolari e plurali determinativi, noti cioè a chi parla, ascolta. The si usa sempre davanti ad alcune parole fra le quali le più comuni sono: garden, cinema, theatre, [...]

Jane Austen

Jane Austen is one of the major novelist in English literature. She was born in 1775, her father was the rector of the parishes of Steventon and Deane in Hampshire. The years of her youth were free and happy but her life was spent in a very limited [...]

Shakespeare theatre, Elizabethan theatre

Shakespeare theatre: In the origin was a inn, there was three tires of gallery. There was an inner stage, and the apron stage is a form of  trapezium. There was a trap, where the actors could exit or enter. The theatre was opened without the roof [...]

Belinda’s Toilet

Belinda’s Toilet In the dressing table scene of “Rape of the Lock” at the end of Canto I, lines 121-148, the main character, Belinda, has just awoken from a peaceful slumber.  She slides out of bed and positions herself in front of her dressing [...]

Conditional sentences

Conditional sentences A. Zero conditional IF     +    DOES,         DOES If + present simple tense,  present simple tense 1. If is used to state gen [...]


KIND OF ENGLISH Temporal: it is necessary to study the English of last centuries; Geographical: English is a world language and there are different varieties of the language; in Europe w study a mixture of British and American English, becau [...]

central park

central park Pre-1858 In the mid-1800s, 500,000 people were living in New York City, with most city dwellers housed in crowded, cramped quarters below 38th Street. To escape the din of city life, people sought refuge in such pastoral spaces [...]


THE DEVELOPMENT OF FICTION The period of the Victoria Age was above all the age of FICTION, because of the immense popularity the genre gained in the period. Many outstanding writers turned to novel writing and the number of novel published in [...]


J.R.R.  TOLKIEN AND HIS “FALSE” EPIC John Ronald Ruel Tolkien (03.01.1892 – 02.09.1973) was an English philologist, writer and university professor who is best known as the author of the Trilogy of the Lord of the Rings (The Company of the [...]


AUSTRALIA Australia is a huge continent n the southern emisphere between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. It is situated in 10° north 47°, has got 7777777 sq km and has got 19-20 million of population. There is a variety of climates [...]

Presentation of an article - Group makes noise over Day of Silence

Presentation of an article - Group makes noise over Day of Silence Hi everyone! My article talks about the “Day of silence” ,an event which seeks to combat antigay bias in schools, in USA, begun  on a small scale in 1996 and observed by tens [...]


VICTORIAN AGE The Victorian Age (1830/1901) corresponds more or less to the life of Queen Victoria. She went to the throne when she was very young and she reigned for a very long period. This was a period of expansion of the British Empire, tha [...]

The sisters (part number 1) – Joyce

The sisters (part number 1) – Joyce James Joyce was born in Dublin in 1882. He comes from a middle-class Irish Catholic family. However, his family descended the social ladder as his father wasn’t able to hold a job for a long time. H [...]


AMERICAN DREAM The origin of the American Dream comes against deportation from the model of the Old World to the government and economy. This allowed freedom never experienced before, especially the possibility of a significant social mobi [...]

Rhyme of Ancient Mariner Part 1 by Colerdige

Rhyme of Ancient Mariner Part 1 by Colerdige   Paraphrase: An old sailor, stops one of three wedding guest. One says:” why do you stop me, with your long grey beard and glittering eyes?” “The bridegroom’s doors are opened w [...]

A liceo classico

A liceo classico Emotion vs. reason: describe the main features of Pre-Romantic poetry as a reaction to 18th century Enlightment. The Pre-Romantic Age is a period of transition between the Enlightment and the Romanticism: in [...]


Romanticism Politically speaking From 1776 (the American War of Independence) or from 1769 (James Watt invented the steam engine) to 1832 (the 1st Reform Bill was pa [...]

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