
Appunti, Tesina di, appunto INGLESE


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JOHN  MILTON Life John Milton studied at Cambridge in 162. in the same year lived at Horton where he devoting himself to poetry. In 1638 he travelling in France and Italy.  In this period there was the Civil War and Milton return to Engl [...]


Preposizioni Prepositions in-on-at indicano stato in luogo: ·         in si usa coi nomi di città, nazioni, regioni e continenti; esempi: in Italy, in Los Angeles, in Texas, in Europe. · [...]


ROMEO AND JULIET PLOT: The Montagues and the Capulets are two families in conflict. During a ball Romeo, the son of Lord Montagues, falls in love with Juliet, the daughter of Lord Capulet. With the help of a Friar they marry secretly the nex [...]


Part one: The hero, ship’s surgeon Lemuel Gulliver, tells of his shipwreck off the island of Lilliput, whose inhabitants are tiny. Here he learns about the local customs and culture, and about the country’s political system. He agrees to help t [...]


WILLIAM BLAKE Themes: many of the poems in Songs of Innocence are about childhood and are written in such simple language that it seems they could have been written by a child. These poems depict a world of Good where virtue and purity triumph [...]

THE DOUBLE “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde”

THE DOUBLE  “The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde” The main theme of the book is the double. It speaks of the problem of duplicity of human nature, Bleak had already spoken of this duplicity, in his poem “The Tiger and the Lamb”. He [...]


MODALI 1.      Can e could Come gli altri modali, can non vuole la –s alla terza persona singolare, non vuole il to dell’infinito che segue e nelle forme interrogative e negative non richiede l’ausiliare do; nelle [...]


THE BLACK CAT The plot: In the beginning the narrator gives us a little explanation about the story that he is going to tell. He says that these events have terrified, and destroyed him. The day after he is going to die and that day [...]


PRONOUNS 1.      Pronomi personali I pronomi personali si usano al posto dei nomi, possono riferirsi al soggetto oppure al complemento oggetto. Usiamo it per chiedere chi sia una persona oppure quando non si conos [...]

Richard III

Richard III We know that the play was written under the Tudor dynasty. So Richard III was labelled as an usurper. However the history is not about a violent and ruthless king like in the play. And there is no evidence in history to in [...]

Presente Progressivo

Presente Progressivo Progressive Present Il gerundio con to be indica un'azione che avviene nell'attimo in cui si parla o azioni concomitanti.  Esempi: I am writing (io sto scrivendo) I am studying (io sto studiando), ecc. You [...]


JACK KEROUAC – SULLA STRADA (1950) "On The Road", Sulla Strada. Questo è stato il più famoso, discusso e contestato lavoro di Kerouac, scrittore americano della corrente artistico-filosofica denominata Beat Generati [...]


CHARLES DICKENS (1812-1870) Charles Dickens was born at Portsea, near Portsmouth in the 1812 from John Dickens, a naval clerk for the navy, and from his wife Elizabeth Barrow. He was the second of eight sons. When he was five years old his famil [...]

J. CONRAD (1857-1924)

J. CONRAD (1857-1924) Russian, made many journeys, also with the English merchant navy (1890 Congo), love for solitude. Man reveals his inner self only after the impact with unforeseen events. Sea: isolation (social, psychological), escape. Sym [...]


Congiunzioni Conjunctions Alcune delle congiunzioni più importanti Some of the most important conjunctions of time (di tempo): after (dopo); as soon as (appena possibile come); before (prima); once (una volta); until (fino a); [...]

Pope, The rape of the lock, The baron wins the glorious prize(vv.75-vv.106)

Pope The rape of the lock The baron wins the glorious prize(vv.75-vv.106) Il Pari (Barone) ora apre la scintillante Forbice completamente,per chiudere il riccio;ora lo unisce,per dividere.Perfino allora,prima che la fatale macchina si chiu [...]

Keats (1795-1821)

Keats (1795-1821) Beauty is the central theme in fact in the final couplet we can find it. Keats’s reputation: When Keats died he was hardly known, his works were neglected, but late the critics started that had he lived longer he would [...]

Multicultural Approach

Multicultural Approach The multicultural approach is a method whose aim is to teach children about other cultures and races, different lifestyles, languages. It wants children not to grow up with stereotypes, making them value and respect [...]


FRASI IPOTETICHE Le frasi condizionali possono essere di diversi tipi, ma tutte le frasi condizionali consistono in una parte introdotta da If che stabilisce la condizione e in un’altra parte (la proposizione principale) che indica il risul [...]

The Romantic Period

The Romantic Period In 1789 Europe was shaken by the French revolution. Poets and intellectual saw it as the triumph of truth and light. There were also other types of thought. In fact Edmund Burke pointed to the dangers of democracy witho [...]

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